Monday, March 2, 2009

Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!

On Friday night Bog and Amy were playing Yahtzee Jr. When it was Bog's turn he yelled "Daddy needs a new pair of shoes!" while shaking the dice cup. Amy proceeded to yell out needs of clothing items (PJs, pants) as well when it was her turn. I was listening to this while doing some quick chore while Amy was occupied. On Saturday, Amy and I sat down to play a round of the game as well. I hadn't really played before and knew we were missing a couple pieces so asked Amy to tell me the rules. Here is what she relayed to me:

"You shake the dice in the cup and while you are shaking you yell out words for something new! Then you place your cards on the board depending on what dice you get."

Yahtzee Jr is a little different than the grown up version. Still try to get five matches of something but there are cards and board that you place your cards on. Our's is the Toy Story version which Amy calls the Woody Game.

It was my turn and I started shaking the cup. Amy reminded me "Mom, you need to ask for a new piece of clothing!" She believes that this is one of the rules you have to follow while playing the game. It is the cutest thing!

Hope you are all well.


  1. Don't worry Rocco stories are coming. He will have some boring pinewood derby stuff in the next day or so. His car he built is awseome! Hope it will be fast, Have anice day! Bog

  2. Pinewood derby sounds fun!:)Kristin
