Monday, May 4, 2009

Best Dressed

We have been blessed, with both of our kids, to have friends who have given us tons of hand me down clothes. The most recent box of clothing we received contained this dress.

When I showed it to Amy stating it will be perfect for Christmas, she proclaimed "I have been wanting this dress since I was three years old!!"

And for those of you who are trying to leave comments but are unsuccessful, keep letting me know. I am not sure what the problem is as I have the settings set up to keep it as simple as possible, I think.

The Rocco Show

So it is just me and the kids as John is up North for the opening weekend of fishing. The weather is finally spring like so we spent the afternoon out in it on Sunday. We migrated to our neighbor, Betty's, and Amy began entertaining us. It took a couple of takes as I had to explain she had to wrap up with her "big finish" on my signal. By this time Rocco was part of the act, juggling Betty's recyclables. We are so green we even use them as toys! Ha! So here is the Rocco Show with Amy providing the musical accompanient.